Cusk-eel Family Photographs, and Information – Ophidiidae

The Cusk-eel Family – Ophidiidae

There are currently NINE members of the Cusk-eel or Ophidiidae Family, all from the Pacific Ocean, presented in this website:


The Cusk-eel or Ophidiidae Family include two hundred thirty-seven global species that are found in forty-nine genera. They are known in Mexico’s fishing areas as brótulas and congriperlas.

The Cusk-eels are found in both shallow and very deep seas and are a very diverse group of bottom dwellers and include the deepest known living fish species, the Abyssobrotula galatheae, captured at a depth of 8,370 m (5.0 miles) in the Puerto Rico Trench. They are rarely seen by humans as they hide in caves during the daytime and only emerge at night to feed on crustaceans and small fish. They are small to mid-sized fish ranging from a few cm (1 inches) to over a meter (3 feet 3 inches) in length.

Cusk-eels have elongated bodies which are much wider than those of traditional eels and which taper towards the rear. They are generally brown or gray in color. Some are uniform in color and others have dark spots on the anal and dorsal fins and on the body. Their anal and dorsal fin bases are long and continuous with their caudal fin; the dorsal fin is longer and originates before the anal fin. Their pelvic fins have 1 or 2 soft rays that are placed close together below the gill cover or further forward on the body. All of their fins lack spines. In most species, the anterior nostril is found well above the upper lip. They have wide gill openings with 1 spine on the cover. Some species have barbels around the mouth (specifically the Brotulidae or Bearded Cusk-eels, a subfamily of Cusk-eels which have 6 barbels). They also have a supramaxillary, as is found in all primitive fish. Their bodies are covered with small smooth scales. Cusk-eels are oviparous as the males lack specialized copulatory organs. Juveniles are pelagic and become demersal as adults. The Cusk-eels, in general, are poorly studied with very limited information available about their lifestyle and behavioral patterns including specific details on age, growth, longevity, movement patterns, diet, habitat use, and reproduction.

Cusk-eels have no commercial significance. They are obtained as a by-catch of deep water trawlers and by hook and line by commercial fishermen.

A Special Acknowledgement: I would like to thank Robert N. Lea, Monterey, California for his contributions to this section of the website. Dr. Lea identified or reconfirmed the identity of the seven Cusk-eels described herein. From a scientific perspective, the introduction to science of three of the thirty-nine known Cusk-eels found in North American waters has been attributed to Dr. Lea, which is impressive!