Lizardfish Family Photographs, and Information – Synodontidae

Lizardfish Family – Synodontidae

There are currently EIGHT members of the Lizardfish or Synodontidae, three from the Atlantic Ocean and five from the Pacific Ocean,  presented in this website:



The fish of the Lizardfish or Synodontidae Family are known in Mexico’s fishing areas as chiles. There are currently sixty known global members of the Lizardfish Family that have been placed in five genera, of which fifteen are found in Mexican waters, ten in the Atlantic and five in the Pacific Ocean.

The Lizardfish are small to medium-sized fish with the largest Lizardfish being the Lance Lizardfish, Synodus scituliceps, which has a maximum length of 55 cm (21.6 inches). These fish are characterized by slender cylindrical bodies, straight lateral lines, pointed “lizard-like” heads, and large mouths that extend behind the eyes and have many rows of fine teeth. They have a small adipose fin above the tail base, an anal fin under the adipose fin, a forked caudal fin, 1 dorsal fin located mid-body, and large pelvic fins with 8 or 9 rays located on the abdomen behind the pectoral fins. Their fins are without spines.

The Lizardfish are sedimentary bottom dwellers that sit motionless, perched on their pectoral fins, or buried in the sand with 1 eye exposed, waiting to ambush unsuspecting prey. Most are soft bottom dwellers but a few inhabit coral and rocky reefs. They are voracious predators feeding primarily on small fish, krill, squid, and shrimp. They are normally considered to be a nuisance fish of limited value and a “catch-and-release.” The Lizardfish, in general, are poorly studied with very limited information available about their lifestyle and behavioral patterns including specific details on age, growth, longevity, movement patterns, diet, habitat use, and reproduction.

From a conservation perspective those that have been evaluated are considered to be of Least Concern, with stable, widely ranging populations.  They are generally small in stature and of limited interest to most.